Jan Krimsky 应用

Next Level English Vocabulary 2.0-full
Jan Krimsky
This program is intended for Czech natives whowant to learn English and extend their English vocabulary. Thisprogram contains only English>Czech translations.This is the full verions of Next Level English Vocabulary. The fullversion will grant you unrestricted access to all sections andexercises in the app. The FREE version has a lot of restrictionsbuilt-in and they will be activated in May 2013 or sooner. FULLversion has the following advantages.- No restrictions when using integration with Wordnet orseznam.cz- All practice exercises are unrestricted- New practice exercises will be added, most will be only in thefull version- New section will be added focusing on use of your vocabulary insentences- You are temporarily unrestricted access to MyLessons (I do notplan to shut My Lessons down, but I do not guarantee long termfunctionality of this section)Beginners and especially advanced students will find more than20,000 flashcards with audio pronunciation. You will graduallyremember these words using a system of spaced repetition learning.This program is suitable for both beginners and advanced students,but it is primarily intended for speakers who already know Englishwell and who want to improve their English to the next level.The main features of the application- database of over 20,000 flashcards (seriously!)- three types of flashcards (Czech, English and Audio only)- pronunciation for most words (American accent)- offline database (you can learn anywhere without signal - subway,airplane, etc)- online access to lexical database of English and thesaurus (moredetailed explanation for all words and example sentences)- adjustable speed of learning, learn at your own pace- many types of practice exercises and quizzes (Hangman, Multiplechoice, Spelling)- build your own lessons (prepare for a test next week, a newlesson in textbook or whatever you want to learn as quickly aspossible)This is not a crash course, which you can use to learn Englishmiraculously in three weeks. If you have been learning English forcouple years and if you want to take your English to the nextlevel, you can use this program to learn more effectively. You willcut down the time required to remember large volumes of vocabularyand remember it permanently.The program records your answers and it is based on spacedrepetition learning method. Words, new or forgotten flashcards willbe repeated more frequently, and well-remembered flashcards will bereviewed at longer intervals. The program creates a new flashcardset for every day review. The Review words are based on yourprevious answers and the word proficiency. This program works bestif you use it everyday - just use it for a few minutes on the wayto school or to work, and you will see the results in just a fewweeks. You will learn by completing short daily lesson and byfocusing on new words or words which need more attention.This application is best used in combination with classicallearning from a textbook. You can create your own lesson from thetextbook, and you can learn this lesson as often as needed. Thisway you will be able to memorize new words for a quiz or test andcreate short-term knowledge. This program will take care about yourpermanent knowledge after the long-term learning process will kickin.Next Level English Vocabulary - Study English, Learn Vocabulaty,Quiz and Practice, Výuka angličtiny, anglická slovíčka.
English-Czech Vocabulary FREE 2.0-free-cz
Jan Krimsky
This program is intended for Czech natives who want to learnEnglish and extend their English vocabulary. This program containsonly English>Czech translations. Beginners and especiallyadvanced students will find more than 20,000 flashcards with audiopronunciation. You will gradually remember these words using asystem of spaced repetition learning. This program is suitable forboth beginners and advanced students, but it is primarily intendedfor speakers who already know English well and who want to improvetheir English to the next level. The main features of theapplication - database of over 20,000 flashcards (seriously!) -three types of flashcards (Czech, English and Audio only) -pronunciation for most words (American accent) - offline database(you can learn anywhere without signal - subway, airplane, etc) -online access to lexical database of English and thesaurus (moredetailed explanation for all words and example sentences) -adjustable speed of learning, learn at your own pace - many typesof practice exercises and quizzes (Hangman, Multiple choice,Spelling) - build your own lessons (prepare for a test next week, anew lesson in textbook or whatever you want to learn as quickly aspossible) This is not a crash course, which you can use to learnEnglish miraculously in three weeks. If you have been learningEnglish for couple years and if you want to take your English tothe next level, you can use this program to learn more effectively.You will cut down the time required to remember large volumes ofvocabulary and remember it permanently. The program records youranswers and it is based on spaced repetition learning method.Words, new or forgotten flashcards will be repeated morefrequently, and well-remembered flashcards will be reviewed atlonger intervals. The program creates a new flashcard set for everyday review. The Review words are based on your previous answers andthe word proficiency. This program works best if you use iteveryday - just use it for a few minutes on the way to school or towork, and you will see the results in just a few weeks. You willlearn by completing short daily lesson and by focusing on new wordsor words which need more attention. This application is best usedin combination with classical learning from a textbook. You cancreate your own lesson from the textbook, and you can learn thislesson as often as needed. This way you will be able to memorizenew words for a quiz or test and create short-term knowledge. Thisprogram will take care about your permanent knowledge after thelong-term learning process will kick in. Next Level EnglishVocabulary - Study English, Learn Vocabulaty, Quiz and Practice,Výuka angličtiny, anglická slovíčka.